Jewelry for musicians and preforming artists | By ShulliDesign

The reason ShulliDesign art jewelry is perfect for musicians and performing artists is that I make big bold statement necklaces, bracelets and earrings that are visible from afar; they are super lightweight and have great reflections, so you can look like a million dollars on stage.

When I had just finished building my contemporary jewelry online store, I received a surprisingly large order of three statement jewelry sets. I chose to hand deliver to the buyer because I sensed she was special. Gisele Ben-Dor was in Israel on tour to conduct "Misa Criolla" and was kind enough to invite my kids and I to the concert at the Tel-Aviv Museum, (where ShulliDesign is also sold at the museum shop :-). I was very curious and had to google her; I learned that she is a word known international conductor, a pioneer in her time, one of the first famous women orchestra conductors in a competitive masculine field. She saw my work at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem where she bought her first red necklace set. We have since kept in touch and she is one of my best clients.

Pnina Weintraub, a violinist, is also a dear customer. Here is her Testimonial:

"I only wear Shulli's jewelry for my performances, not only because they are stunning, but because they don't rattle and buzz from my violin's vibrations. For this reason, I cannot wear metal jewelry. I am so glad I found ShulliDesign handmade art jewelry, crafted entirely from leather! Highly recommended".

On a side note, because I make non-metal jewelry, my necklace, bracelets and earrings are hypoallergenic. Great for people who have a sensitivity or allergy to metal jewelry.


Photography of Gisele Ben-Dor by Henry Fair